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Showing posts with label french. Show all posts
Showing posts with label french. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hey there, remember me?

Hey there, remember me? If you do, it means you have a great memory, cause its been almost two years since I wrote something... So, how's everyone doing (if there's actually someone who reads this), I'm doing good, my life has taken some intresting turns, but overall, its been a wonderful two years. So, where to begin: I'm writing hear because someone told me it would do me much good, and well, I had already taken the pain to create this blog, so why not give it a use? This being said, I'll try to write as often as I can, and as often as I have something if not intresting, at least new to say. And now you may ask, what have I done this two years? Well, not much. Last year I went to France, and had a great opportunity to improve my french! It has been one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences I've had, and I'm glad for this opportunity! I spent one year in Toulouse, "the pink city", and I have but good things to say about it! Its a very young city, fieled with universities and students. I love its hundreds of cafés, where you can sit and enjoy a good espreso on a sunday evening. Its a very dinamic city too, lots of concerts and theaters everywhere! Well, that's all for now, Se ya soon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A letter

Hi everybody.
I've said here that I go to french classes, an yesturday we had to write a letter in english an then translated to french.
In the letter, we where suppose to imagine that we where a hermit, an that we where writing to a friend.
Lots of we's hahaha.
I liked my letter, an I thought it a good idea to post it here.
Hi, my dear friend, its been a while since I last wrote to you.
Life is good, I love where I am, the view is beautiful.
I leave in a balley, surrounded by really tall an green mountains.
The birds sing all day, an at night, I listen to the corous of frogs who leave in the lake near by.
The sun set an sun rise, are the most beautiful times of the day.
Luckelly, I get to see them everyday, you see, I wake up really early, the bird song does so.
My rutine is really simple, I wake up with the birdsong, then I wate til sun rise, witch isn’t a really long wate, after that, I lit a fire an cook what I fish or trapped the day before.
Then, I settle down, an read one of my numerous an wonderful books, at 3, I have lunch, after I finish eating, I rest half an hour, and then, I go fishing or hunting some birds for dinner.
Usually I finish hunting at 5, I play the flute (as you know, my favorite instrument), an watch the beautiful sun set.
At night, I
think about life an god, its very relaxing to think about those things while listening to all the birds returning to their nests, frogs coming out to croack an watching the first stars.
I feel really satisfied with my life here, it gives me time to find my true self an understand life.
Of corse, there are times when I miss everyone, at those times, I imagine your voices an faces, an I think about letters I’d like to send you, an sometimes, I actually write this letters an send them to my dear friends an family.
Hope life is good with you, an be shure that we will talk to eatch other again.
With love:

Now, the letter seems silly, but anyways, there it is lol.
I'll try to post more often, an to check grammar an spelling hahaha!.
Thanks for reading:)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A dumb day.

Today was a really, really dumb day.

Everything started in Spanish class, I did a totally horrible homework an well, he’s my favorite teacher so I felt horrible.
After that, a jerk was like Can I see your homework?
I was super angry with my self, but that was the leass intelligent thing someone can say, an I was like Nooooo!!!!
An then I’m not shure, but I think I told him:
Now what, are you all pissed of because I didn’t let you see it?????
I’m not shure I ttold him that, It’s a bit fussy, I was really tired an angry this morning, but now that I think about it, I think I didn’t tell him that
Then I had French class, I had to present an exposition, but well I forgot a part, an I got really nervous an I felt radder horrible.
Aftter that, I don’t know what a friend said, but I got really obset, I didn’t tell her anything of corse, but that completed my bad mood.
You may think oh… what a bitch, an yes, today I was a total bitch.
Now that I write about it, it doesn’t seem so bad, but it was one of those days where many little bad things happen.
Hope everyone ells had a wonderfull day:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Taking french classes!

’m gonna start by saying that I’m a complete jerk.
I planned to post this yesterday, but I accidentlly saved this as draft instead of publishing it, I’m now editing this post.
So, I don’t know if I have posted about it, but I’m taking French classes.
I really like them, its so cool to learn a new language, I’ve been taking them for about a year , an I must say I’m good.
I’ve had two teachers so far, a woman an a man, the woman is really nice, she loooooves to read, so for the last months I’ve read like 4 books in French.
As for the man, he isn’t our teacher anymore, he was nice, but I think he liked me a little.
Oops, shouldn’t of said that…
Well… hope he doesn’t read here.
I think nobody does, but I don’t really care, I enjoy posting.
I’m gonna post something in French, an then translate it to English.
Salut, Je M’appelle Cecilia, j’aime la lecture, le chocolat, les chiens, voyager, ma famille, et la technology.
Je suis aveugle et je veux aller au gdb pour un chien.

Hello, my name is Cecilia, I love to read, chocolate, dogs, to travel, my family an technology.
I’m blind an I would love to go to gdb for a dog.
Hope you enjoyed it.
