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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another book!

This week wasn’t really intresting, that’s why I didn’t posted much.
First, congratulations Sirina! I bet you’ve already receve your guidedog!
Oh my, my,!I’m so so so so so so so happy for you!
Have so much funn!

Two day’s ago I heard this on the news:
We saw a man on top of a light post (franklin square) He was singing at the top of his voice trying to attract (arg I don’t remember the t.v conpanie’s name) attention.
Policemen arrived an obligated him to descend.
Oh what is it with  this man?
Hae people! seriously!

I just finished reading a book called Angels & Demons.
I really liked it:
Book’s clue words:
criminology, secret society, mystery.
Please can you comment an recommend me more books?


  1. I don't know what kind of books you like, but I got in to young adult novels even though I'm 32. My favorite author is Scott Westerfeld. I've read all audio books by him and there are a good number of them. I'd recommend the 'Uglies' series and my absolute favorite is the 'Leviathan' series. The third book comes out in September.

    I've read a ton of audio books but unfortunately I can't remember most of them, since they were brought to me when I first went blind.

    Scott Westerfeld is the only author to really grab me in a very long time though. I love love love his stuff! It's all on itunes and/or Audible. Not sure how you get your books.

  2. Nice recomendations!
    I'll read all those series.

  3. I know this will sound silly but its treu:
    Well I started this blog because when I first read your blog you inspired me to do it.
    I don't know why I haven't said it to you.
    Thanks Ro!

  4. Awwww hehe that's so cool. Blogging is fun!

  5. A while ago Carin recomended me a twitter home page (not the usual home page a much faster one) but I forgot the name haha!
    Do you use twitter's mane home page? Or another home page?

  6. There's one called otherwise known as Easy chirp. Was that the one?

    I use a Twitter client. I stay away from the Twitter site as much as possible.

  7. Thanks!
    I think that was the one!
    If you want you can follow me on twitter at:


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